Classes & Programs



Alazem Academy is a renowned sports academy that offers a wide range of sports classes and training programs. Whether you’re an aspiring athlete looking to improve your skills or someone interested in recreational sports, Alazem Academy caters to individuals of all ages and skill levels.


The academy provides comprehensive training in various sports disciplines such as football, basketball, tennis, taekwondo, ballet, kickboxing, fitness programs and more. The classes are designed to enhance technical abilities, physical fitness, tactical understanding, and overall performance in the chosen sport. Alazem Academy employs highly qualified coaches and instructors who have expertise in their respective sports. They utilize modern training methods, equipment, and facilities to create a conducive learning environment.

Personal training

Alazem Academy also offers personal training services for individuals who prefer one-on-one coaching or have specific training goals in mind. Personal training at Alazem Academy is tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of each individual. Alazem Academy’s personal trainers are experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of sports science and training methodologies. They are well-equipped to help you achieve your desired results while ensuring safety and minimizing the risk of injury.


Alazem Academy offers bootcamp programs as part of their fitness offerings. Bootcamp-style workouts are intense, high-energy group training sessions that combine elements of strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and functional movements. Participating in a bootcamp can offer several benefits, including increased cardiovascular fitness, improved strength and muscular endurance, weight loss, and a boost in overall energy levels. Additionally, bootcamps often foster a sense of camaraderie and motivation among participants, creating a supportive and motivating environment.

Classes For All Fitness Levels

Fitness levels can vary widely among individuals, and they are typically categorized based on a person’s overall physical condition, endurance, strength, and flexibility. Here are some commonly recognized fitness programs at Alazem.

Weight Loss

In the weight loss program at Alazem Academy, the fitness training component is designed to help participants burn calories, increase their metabolism, build strength, and improve overall fitness.


At Alazem Academy, they offer a cardio program designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and enhance overall endurance. It’s important to note that the specific details of the cardio program at Alazem Academy may vary. To get more accurate and up-to-date information about our program please contact us.

Circut training

At Alazem Academy, circut training is a popular and effective workout program that combines cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into a single session. Circuit training is designed to challenge the entire body, improve overall fitness, and maximize calorie burn.


One of the unique aspects of CrossFit is its scalability. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, our program can be tailored to meet your individual fitness level and goals. Our coaches will modify workouts and exercises to ensure that you’re challenged appropriately and can progress at your own pace.


In our yoga classes, we combine traditional yoga practices with modern techniques, creating a holistic approach to mind-body wellness. Our experienced and certified yoga instructors guide you through a variety of yoga styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative, allowing you to explore different aspects of the practice.

Each yoga session at Alazem focuses on breath awareness, mindfulness, and alignment, creating a harmonious flow between movement and stillness. With an emphasis on proper form and technique, our instructors provide individual attention, ensuring a safe and fulfilling practice for every participant.


Our gymnastics program covers a wide range of disciplines, including artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, and tumbling. Each discipline offers a unique set of skills and challenges, allowing participants to explore different aspects of gymnastics and discover their strengths and interests.

In our gymnastics classes, participants will learn and refine various gymnastics elements such as tumbling, vaulting, balance beam, uneven bars, rings, and floor exercises. Our coaches focus on proper technique, body alignment, and injury prevention to ensure a safe and effective training environment.

Your First Class is on Us

At Alazem, we believe in the transformative power of our fitness programs, and we want to give everyone the opportunity to experience it firsthand. That’s why we offer the chance to attend your first class for free.

Personal Training

we believe that personal training is the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving your fitness goals. Our dedicated team of experienced personal trainers is here to provide you with the personalized attention, guidance, and support you need to succeed.

When you choose personal training at Alazem, you are embarking on a journey that is tailored specifically to you. We recognize that everyone has unique fitness goals, abilities, and limitations. Our personal trainers take the time to understand your individual needs, assess your current fitness level, and design a customized training program that aligns with your objectives.

Weight Loss

At Alazem, we understand that weight loss can be a complex and personal journey. That’s why we offer personalized and comprehensive personal training programs specifically designed to support individuals in achieving their weight loss goals.


Strength training at Alazem goes beyond the traditional idea of lifting weights. Our approach encompasses a comprehensive and balanced approach to building strength, focusing on functional movements, proper form, and progressive overload.


By incorporating a variety of cardio exercises into our programs, Alazem Academy aims to provide members with diverse and effective ways to improve cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and enjoy the benefits of a well-rounded fitness routine.

Can I change the subscription from basketball to football?

Yes , You can but you must purchase the sports cloth related to the new chosen one.

Is it possible to participate in more than one sport?

Yes, but no more than two and making sure they don’t conflict with the timing and that they don’t stress out the participant.

Are there items in the academy that i can purchase?

yes, there are many items that can be purchased from the academy.

can i return the purchased items?

only under certain terms and conditions.

is there any gaming center inside the academy?

We do have a gaming center in the academy. And yes members can access for 50sr per hour.

Is there a women's saloon?

There is a women’s saloon inside the academy.

Can we rent the facility for birthdays?

The facility can be rented for your birthday party.



Alazem Academy

Academy Hours

Sunday – Thursday: 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Saturday: 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Friday: Court Rental

Visit us today